Map Comparison Demos

Showcase Google Map comparison in the Gutenberg Editor. Here are some demos that will help you understand how to display the map comparison

01. Custom Caption

Two locations with before-after labels and a custom caption with the default handle and control line.

Microsoft and Apple Location
Microsoft Corporation Dhaka (BD) & Delhi (IN)

02. Hover Swipe Mode

Two branches with the Hover Swipe Mode. It swipes the handle on mouse hover instead of Drag.

03. Vertical Directional Comparison

Location maps along the vertical direction. Drag and hover both swipe modes work fine along the vertical direction.

Gutenbergkits and weDevs Company
weDevs and Gutenbergkits Locations

04. Custom Starting Point & Disable Sliding Behavior

A custom starting point has been set, here the Control line starts at 60% and the sliding behavior is disabled.

05. Custom Style for Labels, Caption & Control Line, and Button

Add custom style for before-after label, Comparison slider’s caption, control line, and control button. Labels are visible on Hover with animation.

two locations from two Universities